恋は月の蔭に (Behind the moon shadow) - Lamp

English translation and Japanese lyrics



I was just looking at the white waves rising in the moonlight

A distant memory that I had forgotten flowed onto the sand

In the summer sky where countless small stars are scattered, the beating of my heart rises

I put away my disappearing words of love into a shell

I wanted to stay like this forever, so I found a pretty star

On this lovely night, I walk along the beach

What happened on a midsummer night is hidden in the shadow of the moon

The waves that reflect the moon, sweep away two people's love

The coast, the rough breeze, fills up with seawater

The waves that hit the rocks splash up and wet the arms of the two

There are dim lights in the distance, lined up while swaying

On this lovely night, I sleep on your shoulder

What happened on a midsummer night is hidden in the shadow of the moon

The waves that reflect the moon, sweep away two people's love


月夜に浮かぶ白波 ただ眺めていた


星屑散らす夏空 鼓動は高まり


何時までもこうしていたくて きれいな星を探した

こんなに素敵な夜に 海沿いを歩く


月宿す 波のすべて 二人の恋を攫え

海岸 荒い浜風 潮は満ちてきて

岩に打ち付ける波が跳ねて 二人の腕を濡らす

遠くのぼやけた灯りが 揺れながら並んでいる



月宿す 波のすべて 二人の恋を攫え


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