ひっちゃかめっちゃか (Hichakamechaka)(A terrible mess) - SHISHAMO
English translation and Japanese lyrics.
I'm so panicked
This way that way
No matter what I do it isn't going right
I'm so nervous
I forgot how to breath
I couldn't sleep last night
I couldn't sleep because of today
The first time we'll be alone together
If it keeps going this way it definitely won't go well
I can't read the menu properly
The way I'm holding my chopsticks is weird isn't it?
Why did I order fish? Stupid!
I can't taste my food
I feel like I'm not smiling right
I don't know what to talk about
The only thing I did was fold my chopstick bag into a crane
Please don't stare, I'm so embarrassed
I lose my confidence when I'm in front of you
This is miserable, even when I'm an adult
And this isn't even my first love
I really want to be calm and collected and laugh with you
I did it successfully in my dreams
But I can't even look you in the eyes
I practiced this
I practiced so much
But when you're in front of me
Nothing seems to go right
I simply wanted to have fun with you but I'm failing
I'm failing.. I'm failing? what?
I practiced all the moves
I haven't seen the light of day today
All my friends who strategized with me
Mika, Yuki, Kyoko
I'm so so sorry
I don't think I'll bring any good news back
Please pick up my bones
And go to the ocean.. and..
The day is coming to an end
And so is our date
What type of girl did you see me as?
I really want to be calm and collected and laugh with you
I did it successfully in my dreams
But I can't even look you in the eyes
It's been 2 weeks since that date
I haven't received any messages, you haven't even read mine
I mean I understand, I mean I..
I messed up so much
I liked you so much though
awww damn
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