雨のメッセージ (Rainy Tapestry) - Lamp

The direct translation of the title is "Message from the rain" or "The Rain's message"

English translation and Japanese lyrics



The falling rain, an unchanging sky
In a grey city, I met that person
Footsteps pass by without me noticing
I gently call out and look back from under the elm tree

I wish the clock would just stop for a while
Casual words tickle my ears

The rainwater that slides down from a closed umbrella continues writing a love letter

"Little by little, little by little, I start to love you"
This fleeting feeling fades away in the continuous rain

The falling rain, the midnight bell
What are they doing tonight?
Like sugar cubes that crumble in hot black tea
A sweet memory spreads in my heart

Before I fall asleep, I look at the night sky and reminisce
And confess my love to the lemon-like moon

A love letter spelled out in a sigh, on a foggy windowpane

"Little by little, little by little, I start to love you"
I close my eyes to the midnight smell and the sound of gentle rain


降しきる雨 変わらぬ空模様
灰色の街の中で あの人に出逢った
私には気付かずに 通り過ぎる足音
そっと声をかけて振り返る 楡の木の下で



「少しずつ 少しずつ 好きになっていきます」

降しきる雨 午前零時の鐘
あの人 今夜は何をしていますか
熱い紅茶の中 くずれてく角砂糖 
私の心にも広がる 甘い記憶

眠りにつく前は 夜空を眺めて思い出す

曇った硝子窓 溜め息でつづる恋文

「少しずつ 少しずつ 好きになっていきます」


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