English translation and Japanese lyrics
My room, where the air conditioning doesn't work
The rotting air in this room
Drags sad memories into my heart
Like always, I blame you
You're probably laughing somewhere
I don't believe it, I don't want to believe it
I pretend like I'm stuck
but my body can move
I keep it a secret, but really
I can fly this big sky
Ah, this summer
Ah, am I going to stay stuck?
I don't want that, definitely don't want that
I'm thinking too much that I'm sweating
Ah, this summer is gonna be different
Ah, It's really going to be different
To me, who was always crying over you
I say bye bye
Those words you said when we broke up
Always stuck with me
I felt pathetic and uncool
I always wondered if things with me were already done in your eyes
Always thinking about meaningless things
Ah, till the end
Ah, you never knew
You really thought you knew the real me, didn't you?
I always felt lonely
I can actually laugh more
You've never seen me fly high right?
You don't know anything, do you?
Ah, this summer
Ah, am I going to stay stuck?
I don't want that, definitely don't want that
I'm thinking too much that I'm sweating
Ah, this summer is gonna be different
Ah, It's really going to be different
To me, who was always crying over you
I say bye bye
空調の効かない 私の部屋
またいつもと同じ 君のせいにしてる 君がもうどこかで笑ってるなんて 信じられないし 信じたくもない 身動き取れないフリしてる もう体は動くのに 内緒にしてたけど実は私 この広い空だって飛べるのに あーあ 今年の夏も私 あーあ 抜け出せないままなの? そんなのヤダ 絶対ヤダけど 考えすぎて 汗掻いちゃってる あーあ 今年の夏は違う あーあ きっと違うんだから 君のことでいつも泣いてた あの私とはもうバイバイ 別れ際に君に言われたあの言葉 いつまでも こびりついて 情けなくて カッコ悪くて 君の中で私とのことがもう終わってるのかとか 一番仕様もないこと 考えてる あーあ 最後まで君はね あーあ 知らないままだったよ 本当の私 知った気でいたでしょう? 本当はいつも寂しかったし 本当はもっと私笑えるし 空を飛んでる姿だって知らないでしょ? なにも、知らないでしょ? あーあ 今年の夏も私 あーあ 抜け出せないままなの? そんなのヤダ 絶対ヤダけど 考えすぎて 汗掻いちゃってる あーあ 今年の夏は違う あーあ きっと違うんだから 君のことでいつも泣いてた あの私とはもうバイバイ
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