同窓会 (Dousoukai) (Class Reunion) - SHISHAMO
English translation and Japanese lyrics
You changed your hair, it suits you really well
It's like you're a stranger
I'm desperately searching for a trace of back then
The way you hide your nose when you laugh
"How many years has it been?"
You asked me, I respond
"How many years has is been?"
I pretend not to know
but really, I remember everything
It's really you standing in front of me
But something's different
You're so pretty but
The person who loved me before
Isn't in this world anymore
I realized just now
You, who doesn't know me, are so pretty
You're wearing pretty clothes and bright red lipstick
It's like you're just a woman, a woman I don't know
But that one moment you smiled at me
It was like you from the past appeared in front of me
You probably don't know how many regrets I have
You probably won't notice them
But that's ok
Is the person in front of me really you
What kind of face would you make if I took you out tonight
I kind of want to see
But you're different from back then
I know that
I can't smile like back then
I probably changed too
Goodbye to the two of us from the past
To the two of us in my memories
髪型変えたんだね、すごく似合ってるよ 知らない人みたいだ あの頃の面影 必死になって探す僕 笑う時に鼻を隠す仕草 「何年ぶりだっけ?」 尋ねる君に僕は 「何年ぶりだろうね」 知らないフリしたけど 本当は全部 覚えてる 目の前にいるのは確かに君なのに やっぱりなんだかどこか違うんだよ とってもキレイなんだけど もう僕のこと好きな君は この世のどこにもいないんだな 僕は 今になって気付いたよ 僕の知らない君 とても綺麗だ キレイな服着て 唇に真っ赤な色差してる君は まるでどこかの女 僕の知らない女 だけど僕に笑いかけた瞬間 あの頃の君が現れる 何度も後悔したこと、君は知らないんだろうな 気づかないんだろうな それでいい 目の前にいるのは本当に君なのかな 今夜連れ出したら 君はどんな顔するの 見てみたいけど 君はあの頃と違うんだ 分かってるよ 僕も、あの頃みたいには笑えない 変わったのはきっと僕も同じだ さよならあの頃の二人 思い出の中の二人
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