ねぇ (Nee)(Hey) - SHISHAMO

English translation and Japanese lyrics


Music Video


I just couldn't say those two letters

Today, I'm just watching again

I wonder if you notice me like this

If I keep moving slowly like this I might regret it

By tomorrow

You might be holding hands with someone else

Not for anyone else, but for myself

I have to be brave

I have to change or else this will never change


Can you hear this voice of mine?

Have my feelings reached you?

If I only think in my heart

You probably won't be able to tell

I can't stay complacent

I'll shout out loud

So no matter where you are

With a voice that'll reach you

"You can't rush love"

I understand that

But I think I'm being too cautious

The distance between us may not shrink

"You can't rush love"

I can't tell myself that anymore

To you who jumped over

to the other side of this fence

I'll properly tell you

I like your smiling face

I like your voice

You can't see inside my heart, I know


Can you hear this voice of mine?

Have my feelings reached you?

If I only think in my heart

You probably won't be able to tell

I can't stay complacent

I'll shout out loud

So no matter where you are

With a voice that'll reach you


たった2文字が言えなくて 今日も私は見てるだけ そんな私に君は 気付いているかな もたもたしてたら取り返しつかなくなる 明日にはもう、私以外の誰かと 手を繋いでるかもしれないってのに 他の誰でもない 自分のために 勇気を出さなきゃ 変わらなきゃ変えられない ねぇ、 聞こえていますか?この声が 届いていますか?この気持ち 心の中で思ってるだけじゃ きっと、君に伝わらないね 自己満足じゃ終われない だから今大きな声で叫ぶ どこにいたってきっと 君に伝わる声で 「恋は焦らず」 分かってますとも でもきっと私慎重になりすぎて 君との距離 縮まないままかもね 「恋は焦らず」 そんなこと、もう言ってらんない このフェンスの向こう側へ 飛び越えた先の君に ちゃんと言うから 君の笑う顔が好きで 君のその声が好きなの 心の中は君には見えないの、分かってる だから 聞こえていますか?この声が 届いていますか?この気持ち 心の中で思ってるだけじゃ きっと、君に伝わらないね 自己満足じゃ終われない だから今大きな声で叫ぶ どこにいたってきっと 君に伝わる声で


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